Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why is the New 1-800

Domain names are in hot demand - and the chances are good that your personal favorite is already taken - so how do you get your keywords into your URL? Read on...

Enter URL shortening services.

If you're not familiar with them, they take a long URL, and reduce it to something that can be tweeted, quoted, texted, or just scribbled on the back of a napkin with more accuracy than a regular URL.

There are a number of services that you can use:

  • ... and many more!

There are so many to choose from, that it can be difficult to make sure you're using the most appropriate, and useful service. Whichever you choose, your URL will look something like:

Notice how, even if the top level domain is taken, you can still have a (shorter) TLD with your web site name or marketing message in it!

So, why use a URL shortening service? Easy - they can be easier to remember, less ambiguous to communicate, and come with some extra benefits.

To learn about the key hidden extras, see why you should be using URL shorteners as part of your next traffic acquisition project, and, importantly which service to choose just join the Insiders Club:

Join Now!
Traffic Acquisition Insiders

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You'll get the free URL Shortener Traffic Acquisition Report, as well as hints and tips on a regular basis to help you generate traffic, and make the most of it!

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